

Nubuck is top-grain cattle rawhide leather that has been sanded or buffed on the grain side, or outside, to give a slight nap of short protein fibers, producing a velvet-like surface. It is resistant to wear, and may be white or coloured.Nubuck is similar to suede. It differs in that suede is created from the inner side of a hide, whereas nubuck is created from the outer side of a hide, giving it more strength and thickness along with a fine grain.It is generally more expensive than suede, and must be coloured or dyed heavily to cover up the sanding and stamping process.

We observed about the cowhide which coming from salted conservation before starting to the process. The salted cowhides was extremely fragile and high hardness. Folding the cowhide was very difficult. The hair had broken off easily. We saw some defect on the surface of cowhide because the bacterial effect given damage to the rawhides. Some area of the raw was cut and the corners was needed pruning


We used  backbone region of leather.In soaking process we used more water than normally because of raw hides had lots of pollution and we didnt use paddle. we wash twice time because  float is very dirty and a lot of hair.That’s why we discharged drum again and again.We used to tensioactivo.It is soaking agent for salted hides and skins) for helping the soaking and speed up to process and bactericide for prevent to raw from bacterial attack.In addition we used sodium carbonate,sodium sulphydrate and sodium hydroxide for increase pH controlled.While increasing pH this chemicals help to decay of hair and hair follicle.After leather waited one night ın outomatic next day we started unhairing process.In unhairing we used calcium hydroxide and sodium sulphur. Calcium Hydroxide occur with burning to calcium oxide; then there is exothermic reaction and the calcium oxide turning to Calcium Hydroxide.And we used amine amine compounds are employed with the aim to enchance the effect of hair attack and minimise the amount of sulphur.In liming process we used anionic tensioactive because we used alkaline float.In addition we used sodium bisülfite,amonium sulphate for increase the pH after we added dicarboxylic acid for balance pH to enzyme activity.Finally we added pancreatic enzyme for deliming.The aim of this products hydrolized to epidermal structure for eliminate the hair, provided to controlled swelling of hide and reveal to reactive amino and carboxyl groups of collagen.We used to deliming agents for decrease the pH to 8,0-8,5 because the pancreatic bating enzyme is working with 8,2 ph value. After this process we checked the cross section pH value with using phenolphthalein.we put leather into a new float with water and formic acid we got the Ph  3.5.than we applied tanning we used autobasifyng chrome salt we finished tanning  at pH:3.7 and we applied sammying for get away water from leather.we washed leather and retanning with chrome salt %33 basic and with neutralisation we got the pH to the 5. in dyeing and greasing we used acrilic resyn (RETANAL RCN 40)it Improves the fullness and softness of retanned leathers without affecting the typical chrometanned character of the leather.we gave 2% of dye in one time and we used synthetic dispersant (TAMOL M) to obtain homogenius dyeing. and we used Synthetic fatliquoring agent (PELLOSTOL XO)  it gives very tight grain roundnessespecially equal dyeings excellent stability to heat  yellowing and light fastness fine grain .and we used MAGNOPAL® SOF – Polymer based softening agent it has excellent softening properties and is applied alone or in combination with conventional anionic fatliquors. The product is fixed in a nearly unextractable form to the leather fibre and is therefore ideally suited for washable and drycleanable garment nappa from hides and skins.aqnd we used TRUPON ® SWS fatliquor for suede and nubuck leather. TRUPON SWS is a fully synthetic fatliquor designed to produce outstanding gloss and sheen on both suede and nubuck leathers. TRUPON SWS possesses excellent light fastness and resistance  to yellowing caused by heat or ageing. TRUPON SWS will not bleach or lighten anionic dyeings. Leathers fatliquored with TRUPON SWS exhibit good softness and a pleasant, slightly waxy handle.

After the final all of the process we outed the crispy from drum and reviewed their touch.buff the grain and we obtain this special writing effect.dyeing was not so good because in flesh side when buffing we saw not good the nubuck we can see conservation mistakes beter,it becomes more visible.problem of nubuck is colour fastness when we rub the nubuck on a paper we can see its leaving colour thats because of powder fix electrostatic to the fiber if we do first buffing than dyeing we obtain beter nubuck process first we make crust and buff and in drum dyeing when dried we mill so we could have some effect without powder.characteristic depends on where its gona be used so we dont discuss about it.

Tamol M
Nature Condensation product of aromatic sulfonic acids.
pH value (10 % solution in demineralized water): ca. 7
Solids content: ca. 95 %
Storage The product may be stored for one year in closed original containers at
temperatures below 40 °C.
Tamol M is a fine, beige powder which dissolves readily in water forming
solutions of almost neutral reaction. The product substantially accelerates
the penetration of vegetable tannins by reducing their tendency to form
large and highly astringent particles.
Tamol M improves the tanning effect of, say, mimosa and quebracho
extracts, by bringing about a more rapid and more uniform dispersion.
If mimosa extract is used alone, however, it is advisable to incorporate a
synthetic replacement tanning agent besides Tamol M.
Tamol M is mainly used for retanning chrome leathers with vegetable extracts
to promote the neutralization process and to achieve a more uniform
and milder absorption as well as a deeper penetration of the retanning
Thus, the grain layer is no longer overloaded and retains its full elasticity
even if fairly astringent tanning agents, e.g., mimosa or lightly sulfited quebracho
extracts are used.
Tamol M can also be used to advantage for neutralization. When applied in
conjunction with Neutrigan
, Neutrigan P 4 and other commonly employed
neutralizing agents, the product mainly facilitates complete penetration
that is often difficult to achieve in dyeing fairly thick leathers.

fatliquor for suede and nubuck leather
Basis:  fully synthetic sulphated raw materials
Appearance:  red brown oil
Charge:  anionic
Active matter:  approx. 78 %
pH value (1 : 10):  approx. 7.5
Acid stability:  medium
Salt stability:  low
Chrome stability:  not recommended in chrome baths
Light fastness:  excellent
Heat yellowing:  excellent
TRUPON SWS is a fully synthetic fatliquor designed to produce outstanding gloss and sheen on both suede and nubuck leathers.
TRUPON SWS possesses excellent light fastness and resistance  to yellowing caused by
heat or ageing. TRUPON SWS will not bleach or lighten anionic dyeings.
Leathers fatliquored with TRUPON SWS exhibit good softness and a pleasant, slightly waxy handle.
For suede splits 4 - 6 %, based upon shaved weight. 
For goat suede 4 - 10 %, based upon shaved weight.
When used on sheep nappa and nubuck at levels of 4  - 6 %, based on shaved weight,
TRUPON SWS will help produce leathers with a full round handle whilst simultaneously
improving the brilliance of anionic dyeings. 04/2003
The information given in this technical leaflet is offered in good faith and is based upon our knowledge and experience of the
products used. The suitability of the products mentioned to obtain specific properties or effects are given without obligation
or guarantee and should be fully tested by the end user and adapted to suit prevailing works conditions or other products which may be employed.
TRUPON: registered trademark of TRUMPLER TRUPON SWS - 2 - Safety and storage:
When handling  TRUPON SWS, normal safety precautions associated with the handling of
chemicals should be observed. For more specific details please refer to our safety data sheets.
TRUPON SWS can be stored for up to one year, if temperatures below 5 °C and above 40 °C
can be avoided. On prolonged storage or extremes of temperature  TRUPON SWS  may
exhibit some settlement which can be rectified by either warming and/or stirring the product
thoroughly before use.

MAGNOPAL® SOF – Polymer based softening agent
Our application recommendations are in line with our present state of knowledge. They do not, however, exempt the customer from
performing his own tests to determine the suitability of the supplied products for their intended purposes. Application of the products lies
Features MAGNOPAL®SOF is a white to slightly beige paste based on an acrylic polymer.
Charge: Anionic.
Lightfastness: Very good.
Heat resistance: Very good.
Storage stability:
1 year (at room temperature).
Frost resistance:
Not sensitive to frost. In case of freezing warm the product to approx. 
20°C and homogenize by stirring.
Stability in mineral tanning floats:
Not stable.
Method of diluting:
Stir water at 60 °C at a ratio of 1 : 4 into the product.
Benefits  MAGNOPAL®SOF has excellent softening properties and is applied
alone or in combination with conventional anionic fatliquors.
The product is fixed in a nearly unextractable form to the leather fibre and
is therefore ideally suited for washable and drycleanable garment nappa
from hides and skins.
A combination of MAGNOPAL®
SOF and e.g. EUPILON®WAS-1 is
recommended for water resistant and washable shoe upper leathers.
MAGNOPAL® SOF is highly stable against light and heat-yellowing and is
therefore suitable for white upper leathers for vulcanised or injection
moulded shoes.
Application Washable Shoe Upper leather:
4.0 - 5.0 % MAGNOPAL®SOF
4.0 - 5.0 % EUPILON® WAS-1
(% based on shaved weight)
Water Resistant Shoe and
4.0 - 5.0 % MAGNOPAL® SOF
Boot leather: 
4.0 - 5.0 % EUPILON® WAS-1
(% based on shaved weight)
Washable Garment Nappa:
3.0 % EUPILON® WAS-1
(% based on shaved weight)
MAGNOPAL®SOF – Product characteristics
Trade form at 20°C  paste
Appearance at 20°C  White to slightly beige paste
pH - Value (20%)  7.0 - 8.0
Water Content (%)  44.0 - 47.0
This information is for guidance only.
A Product Specification is available on request
Polymers and Resins
Liquid. Polymer retanning agent producing a great fullness and giving from a gloving feel to a footwear box feel, depending on the application conditions
RETANAL CAU aniónico
Liquid. Homopolymeric resin for retanning. Anionic character
Liquid. Resin pretanning and tanning agent for chrome tannage
Liquid. Acrylic resin for the pretannage of chrome-tanned leathers, for wet white tannage and for retannage
Powder. Melamine-dicyandiamide resin for pretanning and retanning with selective filling agent
Powder. Resin anionic tannin. Melamine condensate
Powder. Retanning agent based on a dicyandiamide resin which confers to the leathers a full feel. Suitable for all kind of skins
Powder. Resin anionic tannin. Melamine condensate
Powder. Retanning agent based on melamine, capable of adding softness and fullness to the skins. Suitable for all kind of leathers
Liquid. Acrylic polymer giving a good filling effect, toegether with a soft feel and a springy handle
Liquid. Anionic acrylic polymer in solution form
Liquid. Resin copolymer with a good feel and filling effect
Liquid. Acrylic resin giving a filling effect to the leather, compactness to the grain and an excellent buffing ability
Liquid. Styrene-maleic resin with softening effect
Liquid. Filling resin of soft feel

Productos recurtientes
RETAHAL BH-10 .......................... Sintan fenólico
RETANAL CLE ............................. Polímero acrílico (medio peso molecular)
RETANANAL D-57 ...................... Resina melamina-diciandiamida
RETANAL RC-200 ........................ Resina (metracrilato)
RETANAL RCN-40 ....................... Resina acrílo-nitrilo
RETANAL RST .............................. Resina estireno-maleica
RETANAL X-1 ............................... Oxazolidina


CH2 = CH-COOH .................................. Acido acrílico
CH3 -CH = COOH .................................. Acido metacrílico
CH2 = CH-CN ....................................... Acrilo nitrilo  (RCN 40)


·         CROMOGENIA-UNITS, S.A. (Factores que influyen en la hidrofugación con polímeros recurtientes engrasantes (REPELAN PSH-171) Parte IIIFACTORES QUE INFLUYEN EN LA HIDROFUGACION CON POLIMEROS RECURTIENTES ENGRASANTES (REPELAN PSH-171)  Laboratorio Curtidos  Cromogenia-Units, S.A. Barcelona (España))

·   [PDF] Tamol M

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